We make every effort to provide our customers with products that look the same as the images displayed on our website pages. However please keep in mind that photographs have a difficult time showing exact colors and that the actual color of a product may vary slightly from what is shown in one of our website images. We work hard to update our website descriptions and images as soon as we aware of noticeable variations in our products that customers may find unacceptable.
You can see the complete detail of your sales in real-time from your Client Panel.Β
If your purchase has not met your expectations, you can make a return. You have 30 days from the shipping date of your order.
Yes. Out of stock items are restocked as quickly as possible. If you request so on the itemβs page, we will send you an email when it is available, in the colour and size you specify.If it is not possible to restock the item, we will remove it from the website.
Validity of destination is determined when order is placed with us. If the destination is not included in our delivery. The order will not be accepted.